Upgrade Schedule for ConnectALL SaaS


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24 February 2025

15 December 2023

The following table contains customer upgrade schedules for the upcoming ConnectALL SaaS releases. The dates are targeted, and minor adjustments to the schedule may occur.

ConnectAll Version Link
ConnectALL 3.7.0 Link
ConnectALL 3.8.0 Link
ConnectALL 3.9.0 Link
ConnectALL 3.10.0 Link
ConnectALL 3.11.0 Link

You can review the archived upgrade schedules for ConnectALL here.

You can view the Overall Patch Upgrade Schedule for ConnectALL SaaS here.

You can refer to the following list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to quickly get answers to the most common questions:

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I receive notifications for my staging and production environments?
    You will now be notified from the ConnectALL Service Status page for your environment upgrades based on the schedule posted on the Upgrade Schedule for ConnectALL SaaS page. Additionally, you can subscribe to proactive notifications in order to be notified of any changes to the upgrade schedule.

  2. I haven’t received any prior communications regarding the upgrade schedule or notifications when my environments are upgraded, how can I receive them in the future?
    If you have not previously received upgrade notifications, you can subscribe to proactive notifications in order to be notified of any changes to the upgrade schedule.

  3. How long does an upgrade take to complete?
    The upgrades for both production and staging environments take approximately 2 hours, and you’ll be notified once the upgrade is complete.

  4. During the upgrade, can I use the application if I’m able to log in?
    The environment may become available intermittently while upgrade tasks are being performed but should not be utilized.  The system upgrade is considered complete only upon receipt of the completion notification as well as the status listed on the ConnectALL SaaS Service Status page.  Please do not open a support ticket to check on the status of the upgrade.

  5. It’s been 2 hours since my upgrade started, but I haven’t received a completion notification. How would I get the status of my upgrade?
    To check the upgrade status, log in to Broadcom Service Status and select ConnectALL SaaS. If you have further questions on the upgrade, contact Broadcom Support via phone or open a support case.

  6. Can I request a different schedule for my upgrade?
    No, as part of the ConnectALL SaaS service, upgrade schedules are fixed, which is why schedules are published well in advance for your planning purposes.

  7. Can I request an upgrade to be postponed?
    No, as part of the ConnectALL SaaS service, upgrade schedules are fixed, which is why schedules are published well in advance for your planning purposes.

  8. Will I be notified if there is a change to the ConnectALL SaaS Upgrade Schedule?
    You can subscribe to proactive notifications in order to be notified of any changes to the upgrade schedule.

  9. What further communications can I expect to receive for every upgrade?
    For every release, you’ll receive a GA Announcement communication. Once a release is available, prepare for your upgrade by referring to the product documentation on Tech Docs.

If you are already registered on Broadcom Service Status, you can expect to receive a maintenance notification updated on the Status Page. If you have not already registered, please follow the instructions listed here to register.

Change Log

Date Description
02/22/2025 Added upgrade schedule for ConnectALL 3.11.0 and archived 3.6.0.
12/05/2024 Added upgrade schedule for ConnectALL 3.10.0 and archived 3.5.0.
08/20/2024 Added upgrade schedule for ConnectALL 3.9.0 and archived 3.4.0.
06/18/2024 Added the Overall Patch Upgrade Schedule for ConnectALL SaaS.
06/10/2024 Added upgrade schedule for ConnectALL 3.8.0 and moved ConnectALL 3.3.0 to the archive page.
02/28/2024 Added upgrade schedule for ConnectALL 3.7.0
12/19/2023 Moved ConnectALL 3.2.0 to the archive page.
12/15/2023 Created the upgrade schedule