VMSA-2010-0019:VMware ESX third party updates for Service Console


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05 December 2010

05 December 2010





VMware ESX third party updates for Service Console

VMware Security Advisory
VMware Security Advisory Advisory ID:
VMware Security Advisory Synopsis:
VMware ESX third party updates for Service Console
VMware Security Advisory Issue date:
VMware Security Advisory Updated on:
VMware Security Advisory CVE numbers:
CVE-2010-3069 CVE-2010-0405 CVE-2009-0590
CVE-2009-2409 CVE-2009-3555
1. Summary

ESX 3.x and ESX 4.x Console OS (COS) updates for samba, bzip2, and

openssl packages.


2. Relevant releases


VMware ESX 4.1 without patch ESX410-201104403-SG.

VMware ESX 4.0 without patch ESX400-201103405-SG.

VMware ESX 3.5 without patches ESX350-201012408-SG,
ESX350-201012409-SG, ESX350-201012401-SG.

VMware ESX 3.0.3 without patch ESX303-201102402-SG.

Notes: Effective May 2010, VMware's patch and update release program during Extended Support will be continued with the condition that all subsequent patch and update releases will be based on the latest baseline release version as of May 2010 (i.e. ESX 3.0.3 Update 1, ESX 3.5 Update 5, and VirtualCenter 2.5 Update 6). Refer to section "End of Product Availability FAQs" at

for details.

Extended support for ESX 3.0.3 ends on 2011-12-10. Users should plan to upgrade to at least ESX 3.5 and preferably to the newest release available.

3. Problem Description

a. Service Console update for samba


The service console package samba is updated to version 3.0.9-1.3E.18.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the name CVE-2010-3069 to this issue.

Column 4 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.


VMware Product =============
Product Version ========
Running On =======
Replace with Apply Path =================
VMware Product ============= VirtualCenter
Product Version ======== any
Running On ======= Windows
Replace with Apply Path ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= hosted *
Product Version ======== any
Running On ======= any
Replace with Apply Path ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESXi
Product Version ======== any
Running On ======= ESXi
Replace with Apply Path ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======== 4.1
Running On ======= ESX
Replace with Apply Path ================= not applicable
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======== 4.0
Running On ======= ESX
Replace with Apply Path ================= not applicable
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======== 3.5
Running On ======= ESX
Replace with Apply Path ================= ESX350-201012408-SG
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======== 3.0.3
Running On ======= ESX
Replace with Apply Path ================= ESX303-201102402-SG

* hosted products are VMware Workstation, Player, ACE, Server, Fusion.

b. Service Console update for bzip2


The service console package bzip2 is updated to version 1.0.2-14.EL3 in ESX 3.x and version 1.0.3-6 in ESX 4.x.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the name CVE-2010-0405 to this issue.

Column 4 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product =============
Product Version ========
Running On =======
Replace with Apply Path =================
VMware Product ============= VirtualCenter
Product Version ======== any
Running On ======= Windows
Replace with Apply Path ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= hosted *
Product Version ======== any
Running On ======= any
Replace with Apply Path ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESXi
Product Version ======== any
Running On ======= ESXi
Replace with Apply Path ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======== 4.1
Running On ======= ESX
Replace with Apply Path ================= ESX ESX410-201104403-SG
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======== 4.0
Running On ======= ESX
Replace with Apply Path ================= ESX400-201103405-SG
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======== 3.5
Running On ======= ESX
Replace with Apply Path ================= ESX350-201012409-SG
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======== 3.0.3
Running On ======= ESX
Replace with Apply Path ================= affected, patch pending

* hosted products are VMware Workstation, Player, ACE, Server, Fusion.

c. Service Console update for OpenSSL


The service console package openssl updated to version 0.9.7a-33.26.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the names CVE-2009-0590, CVE-2009-2409 and CVE-2009-3555 to the issues addressed in this update.

Column 4 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product =============
Product Version ========
Running On =======
Replace with Apply Path =================
VMware Product ============= VirtualCenter
Product Version ======== any
Running On ======= Windows
Replace with Apply Path ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= hosted *
Product Version ======== any
Running On ======= any
Replace with Apply Path ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESXi
Product Version ======== any
Running On ======= ESXi
Replace with Apply Path ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======== 4.1
Running On ======= ESX
Replace with Apply Path ================= not applicable
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======== 4.0
Running On ======= ESX
Replace with Apply Path ================= not applicable
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======== 3.5
Running On ======= ESX
Replace with Apply Path ================= ESX350-201012401-SG
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======== 3.0.3
Running On ======= ESX
Replace with Apply Path ================= affected, no patch planned

* hosted products are VMware Workstation, Player, ACE, Server, Fusion.

4. Solution


Please review the patch/release notes for your product and version and verify the md5sum of your downloaded file.

ESX 4.1


md5sum: 757c3370ae63c75ef5b2178bd35a4ac3
sha1sum: 95cfdc08e0988b4a0c0c3ea1a1acc1c661979888


ESX410-201104001 contains ESX410-201104403-SG.

ESX 4.0


md5sum: 5b9a0cfe6c0ff1467c09c8d115910ff8
sha1sum: 8bfb5df8066a01704eaa24e4d8a34f371816904b


ESX400-201103001 containes the following security bulletins:

ESX400-201103401-SG (SLPD, openssl, COS kernel)

ESX400-201103403-SG (JRE, Tomcat)
ESX400-201103404-SG (pam)
ESX400-201103405-SG (bzip2)
ESX400-201103406-SG (popt/rpm)
ESX400-201103407-SG (bind)

ESX 3.5


md5sum: 53a427d5d2213c51d57e8e8f7e3d544c



md5sum: 0a688d7153380fcb5d7ca0ac098e2d03




md5sum: a8b1d9e4eabd14b6822bd1f8bf6dbf69


ESX 3.0.3

md5sum: e9d5a5e34d71011996cbf5e7d09fcda1


6. Change log


2010-12-07 VMSA-2010-0019
Initial security advisory after release of patches for ESX 3.5
on 2010-12-07
2011-02-14 VMSA-2010-0019.1
Updated advisory after release of ESX 3.0.3 patches on 2011-02-14.
2011-03-07 VMSA-2010-0019.2
Updated advisory after release of ESX 4.0 patches on 2011-03-07.
2011-04-28 VMSA-2010-0019.3
Updated advisory after release of ESX 4.1 patches on 2011-04-28.

7. Contact


E-mail list for product security notifications and announcements:

This Security Advisory is posted to the following lists:

  • security-announce at lists.vmware.com
  • bugtraq at securityfocus.com
  • full-disclosure at lists.grok.org.uk

E-mail: security at vmware.com
PGP key at:

VMware Security Center

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