24 May 2019

24 May 2019

Last Updated: July 03, 2014

Intended Use

The CASPLIT utility is a TSO panel-based utility that is intended to expedite mainframe customer FTP transmissions of large z/OS based files to CA support for analysis. The tool generates JCL jobs that Terse, Split and Transmit, via batch FTP, files to the site. The tool allows you to determine the size or number of segmented files you decide is required for your site (based on factors such as your site timeout limits on batch FTP transmissions). Click here to view the related README file which includes the steps necessary to upload the CASPLIT related files to your mainframe.

Steps necessary to leverage the CASPLIT tool

The Download option is used to download the various files related to the CASPLIT utility to your PC. In addition to the files that need to be uploaded to the mainframe, there is a README file downloaded that details the steps necessary to successfully upload and configure the CASPLIT utility for your site's use.