AllFusion Model Manager r7.2 Readme


28 February 2021

24 May 2019

1.0 Welcome

2.0 Operating System Support

3.0 System Requirements
3.1 AllFusion MM Administrator Server Requirements
3.2 DBMS Requirements
3.3 Client Workstation Requirements

4.0 Installation Considerations
4.1 Silent Install
4.2 Requirement for Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server 2005
4.3 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Permissions
4.4 AllFusion MM Client Version Checking

5.0 General Considerations
5.1 Conversion Information
5.2 Conversion Preparation Recommendations
5.3 Conversion of AllFusion MM 4.1.4 Custom Security Profiles
5.4 Conversion Notes for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase
5.5 Understanding Complete Compare Differences After Converting Your Models
5.6 Model Display in the Difference Reconciliation Dialog
5.7 Uninstalling the AllFusion MM Administrative Files

6.0 Known Issues
6.1 SQL 1105 Error

7.0 Published Fixes

8.0 Documentation
8.1 Release Numbers on Documentation

9.0 Contact Technical Support

1.0 Welcome

Welcome to AllFusion Model Manager (AllFusion MM) r7.2, a member of the AllFusion Modeling Suite. This file contains operating system support, system requirements, installation considerations, known issues, documentation notes, and information about contacting CA Technical Support.

2.0 Operating System Support

AllFusion MM r7.2 requires that you have one of the following operating systems installed:

  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
  • Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 3

The following requirements must be met or exceeded for AllFusion MM r7.2 to install and run correctly:

  • Intel Pentium III or equivalent supported by the Host DBMS
  • 200 MB Hard Disk Space
  • 512 MB RAM
  • Any operating system supported by the Host DBMS

3.0 System Requirements

The following hardware and software requirements must be met or exceeded for AllFusion MM to install and run correctly:

3.1 AllFusion MM Administrator Server Requirements

Verify that the machine where the software and license key (the administrator's workstation or file server for administrative files) are installed meets the minimum requirements summarized below. The disk space required for the administrative files used to create and manage the database is separate from the disk space required to accommodate models on the server where the database is located. Greater CPU speed, and more RAM and disk space result in better performance.

Note: While not recommended, the software and license key can be installed on the same machine as the database server.

  • Intel Pentium III or equivalent
  • 100 MB Disk Space
  • 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended for large models)
  • Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, 2003 Server Operating System

    Note: Greater CPU speed, and more RAM and disk space result in better performance. The memory requirement of 512 MB is for the minimum size models of only a few entities. Larger size models may need greater memory. Experience has shown that 1 GB RAM and 500 MB disk space seems to be the most effective for our clients.

3.2 DBMS Requirements

Before you install AllFusion MM r7.2, you must use a DBMS supported by AllFusion MM as your host server. AllFusion MM r7.2 supports the following host DBMS:

  • Oracle 8.1.7, 9i and 10g
  • SQL Server (7.0, 2000/2005)
  • Sybase 12.x

The AllFusion MM mart administrator should be the database owner (dbo) for Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase, or the schema owner for Oracle. Before the administrator can install the AllFusion MM mart on the server, they must verify that the DBMS environment is prepared for AllFusion MM installation, and that the server system requirements meet at least the minimum specifications. Additionally, the administrator of the DBMS, must set up user permissions for the AllFusion MM mart.

Note: The DBA role is necessary only during the installation or upgrade. You can strip the installer of the DBA role after the installation or upgrade is complete.

For information preparing the DBMS environment, see the AllFusion Model Manager Implementation Guide.

3.3 Client Workstation Requirements

Each client workstation must have access to the DBMS on which AllFusion MM is installed. It is recommended that client workstations have at least 512 MB of RAM. You must also install an AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler (AllFusion ERwin DM) r7.2 and/or AllFusion Process Modeler (AllFusion PM) r7.2 client on each client workstation to use the data modeling and multi-user features. AllFusion MM r7.2 supports the following client products:

  • AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler r7.2
  • AllFusion Process Modeler r7.2
  • AllFusion Model Navigator r7.2
  • AllFusion Data Model Validator r7.2

Note: The memory requirement of 512 MB is for the minimum size models of only a few entities. Larger size models may need greater memory. Experience has shown that 1 GB RAM seems to be the most effective for our clients.

4.0 Installation Considerations

Review the following installation considerations before installing the product. See the AllFusion Model Manager Implementation guide for more information on the installation process.

4.1 Silent Install

AllFusion MM r7.2 does not provide an unattended or silent install.

4.2 Requirement for Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server 2005

If you are trying to connect to an AllFusion Model Manager database which resides on SQL Server 2005 from a machine that does not have the SQL Server 2000 client installed, you will not be able to connect to AllFusion Model Manager. AllFusion Model Manager requires the use of DB-Library for connecting to SQL Server databases. SQL Server 2005 no longer distributes the DB-Library files, though DB-Library is supported for connecting to SQL Server 2005.

In order to be able to connect to an AllFusion Model Manager database which resides on SQL Server 2005, the file NTWDBLIB.DLL needs to be installed to the c:windowssystem32 folder on your workstation. If you have a SQL Server 2000 installation CD, the SQL Server 2000 client can be installed from the CD by executing sqlredis.exe located on in the x86Other folder. If you do not have a SQL Server 2000 installation CD, you can find the file in a directory named "support" on the root of the AllFusion CD.

4.3 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Permissions

For SQL Server 2000, you only need to have public assigned in order to save to the mart. However, when the repository is on an SQL Server 2005 instance, you need to have the bulkadmin permission designated as well. The ability to do bulk inserts (which was permitted by public, previously) is no longer part of the public permission. You must explicitly define this permission or when you attempt to save a model to a new AllFusion Model Manager instance created using an SQL Server 2005 database, an error "You do not have permission to use the bulk load statement." is returned.

4.4 AllFusion MM Client Version Checking

When you connect a client (AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler and AllFusion Process Modeler) to an AllFusion MM database, the software checks to verify that the client version is compatible with the current version of the AllFusion MM database. There is a version dependency, however the Service Pack version can vary.

5.0 General Considerations

This section contains general information you should know before using AllFusion MM r7.2.

5.1 Conversion Information

AllFusion MM r7.2 will be installed into the same folders on your hard drive as any previous AllFusion Model Manager r7.x product. Since r7.2 is an upgrade of r7.0, the name will remain AllFusion Model Manager r7 on the Start menu, however the group name has changed from Computer Associates to CA.

The following upgrade paths are available for AllFusion MM:

  • From AllFusion MM 4.1.4 to AllFusion MM r7, r7.1, or r7.2
  • From AllFusion MM r7 to AllFusion MM r7.1 or r7.2

For users of AllFusion MM 4.1.4, see the Upgrading AllFusion MM chapter of the AllFusion Model Manager Administrator Guide for more information on converting your AllFusion MM 4.1.4 database to an AllFusion MM r7.2 database. This guide is in .PDF format, and can be opened from the AllFusion Model Manager program group (Start, Programs, CA, AllFusion, Model Manager r7, AllFusion MM Administrator Guide).

Note: If you are running a version earlier than 4.1.4, you need to upgrade to 4.1.4 before you can upgrade to r7.2. You must open and save your models in AllFusion MM Version 4.1.4 before you can upgrade to AllFusion MM r7.2.

5.2 Conversion Preparation Recommendations

  1. Verify that all models to be converted were saved and opened in your AllFusion MM 4.1.4 database.
  2. Close all open AllFusion MM 4.1.4 sessions.
  3. Delete any unnecessary models. This reduces the conversion time and the amount of space used by the AllFusion MM 4.1.4 database during the conversion.

A complete AllFusion MM r7.2 Pre-Conversion checklist is available on in the Conversion Information Center on the Product Home Page for AllFusion Model Manager. Before attempting to convert your ModelMart, be sure to read this document. If you need assistance during the conversion process, you can open a support issue from the support link.

5.3 Conversion of AllFusion MM 4.1.4 Custom Security Profiles

Enhancements to the AllFusion ERwin DM r7.2 meta-model may have an affect on custom security profiles that you created in AllFusion MM 4.1.4. If you defined custom security profiles or modified existing ones in the previous release, review your permissions to ensure that your security requirements are met in AllFusion MM r7.2.

5.4 Conversion Notes for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase

Before you attempt an AllFusion MM 4.1.4 database conversion, please note the following.

For Oracle 9i or earlier AllFusion MM 4.1.4 databases:

  1. Make sure you have at least as many rollback segments as used by your AllFusion MM 4.1.4 database. We strongly recommend that you follow the guidelines in the AllFusion Model Manager Administrator Guide.
  2. Before you start a conversion, it is strongly recommended that you shrink rollback segments. Below is a sample SQL statement (for each segment):


It is safe to randomly shrink rollback segments while the conversion is running, but you must be logged in as the DBA.

For Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase AllFusion MM 4.1.4 databases:

tempdb should be as big as the AllFusion MM DB size.

5.5 Understanding Complete Compare Differences After Converting Your Models

If you are working with ERwin 4.1.4, you can upgrade a model by opening and saving it in r7.2. You can also "round-trip" your r7.2 model by saving it as a 4.1.4 model and opening it again in r7.2. You can use Complete Compare to compare the models as you work with them in version 4.1.4 and r7.2.

The technical document "Understanding Complete Compare Differences After Converting Your Models" helps you understand differences you may encounter in Complete Compare when working with 4.1.4 and r7.2 models. You can find the document on in the Conversion Information Center on the Product Home Page for AllFusion Model Manager.

5.6 Model Display in the Difference Reconciliation Dialog

In a workgroup modeling environment, two users may check out and make changes to the same model. The first user may make changes to the model and save the changes to the mart. When the second modeler makes changes and saves them to the mart, the Difference Reconciliation dialog is displayed. You use features in this dialog to view the differences on the object level, or more detailed property level. You can search the text of the comparison lists, and you can generate a report of the differences. Note that in the Difference Reconciliation Dialog the model in the left pane is the current model that you are checking in to the mart. The model in the right pane is the version of the model already in the mart.

5.7 Uninstalling the AllFusion MM Administrative Files

You can use the Windows uninstall utility to uninstall the AllFusion MM administrative files. However, when you uninstall AllFusion MM, the AllFusion MM database remains intact. To remove the database from your computer, delete the AllFusion MM database first using AllFusion MM Model Manager, and then uninstall the AllFusion MM administrative files.

6.0 Known Issues

The following are known issues with AllFusion MM r7.2:

6.1 SQL 1105 Error

When you are upgrading to AllFusion MM r7.2 on Microsoft SQL, during the mart conversion process, you may get the message "Sql 1105" if you run out of free hard disk space during the process.

Stop the conversion process, and either free hard disk space or add hard disk. You should delete the already created r7.2 AllFusion MM tables and then re-attempt the conversion.

7.0 Published Fixes

All published fixes for this product can be found through Published Solutions on or by clicking here.

8.0 Documentation

Updated guides for this product are available at

PDF guides for this product are as follows:

  • AllFusion Model Manager Implementation Guide (MdlMgr_Impl.pdf)
  • AllFusion Model Manager Administrator Guide (MdlMgr_Admin.pdf)
  • AllFusion Model Manager Release Summary (MdlMgr_RelSum.pdf)

To view PDF files, you must download and install the Adobe Reader from the Adobe website if it is not already installed on your computer.

8.1 Release Numbers on Documentation

The release number on the title page of a document might not correspond to the current product release number; however, all documentation delivered with the product, regardless of release number on the title page, will support your use of the current product release. The release number changes only when a significant portion of a document changes to support a new or updated product release. If no substantive changes are made to a document, the release number does not change. For example, a document for r7 may still be valid for r7.1 or even r8. Documentation bookshelves always reflect the current product release number.

Occasionally, we must update documentation outside of a new or updated release. To indicate a minor change to the documentation that does not invalidate it for any releases that it supports, we update the edition number on the cover page. First editions do not have an edition number.

9.0 Contact Technical Support

For online technical assistance and a complete list of locations, primary service hours, and telephone numbers, contact Technical Support at

Maintenance Considerations
In order to download this product, you must have current maintenance.

Licensing Considerations when Upgrading from 4.1.4 to r7.x

This is a Patch Release

Click here to download CA ERwin Data Modeler 7.2 Patch Release 2 - b1756

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