VMSA-2019-0006:VMware ESXi, Workstation and Fusion updates address multiple out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities


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09 April 2019

09 April 2019





VMware ESXi, Workstation and Fusion updates address multiple out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities.

VMware Security Advisory
VMware Security Advisory Advisory ID:
VMware Security Advisory Severity:
VMware Security Advisory Synopsis:
 VMware ESXi, Workstation and Fusion updates address multiple out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities.
VMware Security Advisory Issue date:
VMware Security Advisory Updated on:
 2019-04-11 (Initial Advisory)
VMware Security Advisory CVE numbers:
 CVE-2019-5516, CVE-2019-5517, CVE-2019-5520
1. Summary

VMware ESXi, Workstation and Fusion updates address multiple out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities.

2. Relevant Products
  • VMware vSphere ESXi (ESXi)
  • VMware Workstation Pro / Player (Workstation)
  • VMware Fusion Pro / Fusion (Fusion)
3. Problem Description

a. VMware ESXi, Workstation and Fusion vertex shader out-of-bounds read vulnerability


VMware ESXi, Workstation and Fusion updates address an out-of-bounds vulnerability with the vertex shader functionality.  Exploitation of this issue requires an attacker to have access to a virtual machine with 3D graphics enabled.  Successful exploitation of this issue may lead to information disclosure or may allow attackers with normal user privileges to create a denial-of-service condition on their own VM.  The workaround for this issue involves disabling the 3D-acceleration feature. This feature is not enabled by default on ESXi and is enabled by default on Workstation and Fusion.


VMware would like to thank Piotr Bania of Cisco Talos for reporting this issue to us.


The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the identifier CVE-2019-5516 to this issue.


Column 5 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product
Product Version
Running on
Replace with/ Apply Patch
Mitigation/ Workaround
VMware ProductESXi
Product Version6.7
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply PatchESXi670-201904101-SG
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductESXi
Product Version6.5
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply PatchESXi650-201903001
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductESXi
Product Version6.0
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply PatchNot affected
Mitigation/ WorkaroundN/A
VMware ProductWorkstation
Product Version15.x
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply Patch15.0.3
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductWorkstation
Product Version14.x
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply Patch14.1.6
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductFusion
Product Version11.x
Running on OSX
Replace with/ Apply Patch11.0.3
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductFusion
Product Version10.x
Running on OSX
Replace with/ Apply Patch10.1.6
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025


b. VMware ESXi, Workstation and Fusion multiple shader translator out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities


VMware ESXi, Workstation and Fusion contain multiple out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities in the shader translator. Exploitation of these issues requires an attacker to have access to a virtual machine with 3D graphics enabled.  Successful exploitation of these issues may lead to information disclosure or may allow attackers with normal user privileges to create a denial-of-service condition on their own VM.  The workaround for these issues involves disabling the 3D-acceleration feature.  This feature is not enabled by default on ESXi and is enabled by default on Workstation and Fusion.


VMware would like to thank RanchoIce of Tencent Security ZhanluLab for reporting these issues to us.


The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the identifier CVE-2019-5517 to these issues.


Column 5 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product
Product Version
Running on
Replace with/ Apply Patch
Mitigation/ Workaround
VMware ProductESXi
Product Version6.7
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply PatchESXi670-201904101-SG
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductESXi
Product Version6.5
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply PatchESXi650-201903001
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductESXi
Product Version6.0
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply PatchNot affected
Mitigation/ WorkaroundN/A
VMware ProductWorkstation
Product Version15.x
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply Patch15.0.3
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductWorkstation
Product Version14.x
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply Patch14.1.6
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductFusion
Product Version11.x
Running on OSX
Replace with/ Apply Patch11.0.3
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductFusion
Product Version10.x
Running on OSX
Replace with/ Apply Patch10.1.6
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025


c. VMware ESXi, Workstation and Fusion out-of-bounds read vulnerability


VMware ESXi, Workstation and Fusion updates address an out-of-bounds read vulnerability.  Exploitation of this issue requires an attacker to have access to a virtual machine with 3D graphics enabled.  Successful exploitation of this issue may lead to information disclosure.The workaround for this issue involves disabling the 3D-acceleration feature. This feature is not enabled by default on ESXi and is enabled by default on Workstation and Fusion.


VMware would like to thank instructor working with Trend Micro's Zero Day Initiative for reporting this issue to us.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the identifier CVE-2019-5520 to this issue.


Column 5 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product
Product Version
Running on
Replace with/ Apply Patch
Mitigation/ Workaround
VMware ProductESXi
Product Version6.7
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply PatchESXi670-201904101-SG
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductESXi
Product Version6.5
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply PatchESXi650-201903001
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductESXi
Product Version6.0
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply PatchNot affected
Mitigation/ WorkaroundN/A
VMware ProductWorkstation
Product Version15.x
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply Patch15.0.3
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductWorkstation
Product Version14.x
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply Patch14.1.6
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductFusion
Product Version11.x
Running on OSX
Replace with/ Apply Patch11.0.3
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025
VMware ProductFusion
Product Version10.x
Running on OSX
Replace with/ Apply Patch10.1.6
Mitigation/ WorkaroundSee VMSA-2018-0025


4. Solution

Please review the patch/release notes for your product and  version and verify the checksum of your downloaded file. 


ESXi 6.7

Downloads and Documentation:



ESXi 6.5  
Downloads and Documentation:  



VMware Workstation Pro 14.1.6, 15.0.3
Downloads and Documentation:


VMware Workstation Player 14.1.6, 15.0.3
Downloads and Documentation:


VMware Fusion Pro / Fusion 10.1.6, 11.0.3
Downloads and Documentation:



6. Change log


2019-04-11: VMSA-2019-0006

Initial security advisory in conjunction with the release of ESXi 6.7 U2 on 2019-04-11.


7. Contact


E-mail list for product security notifications and announcements:



This Security Advisory is posted to the following lists:

  [email protected]

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