VMSA-2017-0008:VMware Unified Access Gateway, Horizon View and Workstation updates resolve multiple security vulnerabilities


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16 April 2017

16 April 2017





VMware Unified Access Gateway, Horizon View and Workstation updates resolve multiple security vulnerabilities

VMware Security Advisory
VMware Security Advisory Advisory ID:
VMware Security Advisory Severity:
VMware Security Advisory Synopsis:
 VMware Unified Access Gateway, Horizon View and Workstation updates resolve multiple security vulnerabilities
VMware Security Advisory Issue date:
VMware Security Advisory Updated on:
VMware Security Advisory CVE numbers:
 CVE-2017-4907, CVE-2017-4908, CVE-2017-4909, CVE-2017-4910, CVE-2017-4911, CVE-2017-4912, CVE-2017-4913
1. Summary

VMware Unified Access Gateway, Horizon View and Workstation updates resolve multiple security vulnerabilities

2. Relevant Products
  • VMware Unified Access Gateway (formerly called Access Point)  
  • VMware Horizon View     
  • VMware Horizon View Client for Windows
  • VMware Workstation Pro / Player (Workstation)
3. Problem Description

a. Unified Access Gateway and Horizon View heap buffer-overflow vulnerability

VMware Unified Access Gateway and Horizon View contain a heap buffer-overflow vulnerability which may allow a remote attacker to execute code on the security gateway.


VMware would like to thank Claudio Moletta (redr2e) for reporting this issue to us.


The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the identifier CVE-2017-4907 to this issue. 

Column 5 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product
Product Version
Running on
Replace with/ Apply Patch
Mitigation/ Workaround
VMware ProductUnified Access Gateway*
Product Version2.9.x
Running on N/A
SeverityNot affected
Replace with/ Apply PatchN/A
Mitigation/ WorkaroundN/A
VMware ProductUnified Access Gateway*
Product Version2.8.x, 2.7.x, 2.5.x
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply Patch2.8.1
Mitigation/ WorkaroundNone
VMware ProductHorizon View
Product Version7.x
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply Patch7.1.0
Mitigation/ WorkaroundNone
VMware ProductHorizon View
Product Version6.x
Running on Any
Replace with/ Apply Patch6.2.4
Mitigation/ WorkaroundNone


*Formerly called Access Point.


b. Multiple heap-based buffer overflow issues via Cortado ThinPrint

VMware Workstation and Horizon View Client contain multiple heap buffer-overflow vulnerabilities in JPEG2000 and TrueType Font (TTF) parsers in the TPView.dll. On Workstation, this may allow a guest to execute code or perform a Denial of Service on the Windows OS that runs Workstation. In the case of a Horizon View Client, this may    allow a View desktop to execute code or perform a Denial of Service on the Windows OS that runs the Horizon View Client.


Exploitation is only possible if virtual printing has been enabled. This feature is not enabled by default on Workstation but it is enabled by default on Horizon View.


VMware would like to thank Ke Liu of Tencent's Xuanwu Lab and Gogil of STEALIEN working with ZDI for reporting these issues to us.


The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the identifiers CVE-2017-4908 (JPEG2000) and CVE-2017-4909 (TTF) to these issues. 

Column 5 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product
Product Version
Running on
Replace with/ Apply Patch
Mitigation/ Workaround
VMware ProductHorizon View Client for Windows
Product Version4.x
Running on Windows
Replace with/ Apply Patch4.4.0
Mitigation/ WorkaroundNone
VMware ProductWorkstation
Product Version12.x
Running on Windows
Replace with/ Apply Patch12.5.3
Mitigation/ WorkaroundNone



c. Multiple out-of-bounds read/write issues via Cortado ThinPrint

VMware Workstation and Horizon View Client contain multiple out-of-bounds read/write vulnerabilities in JPEG2000 and TrueType Font (TTF) parsers in the TPView.dll. On Workstation, this may allow a guest to execute code or perform a Denial of Service on the Windows OS that runs Workstation. In the case of a Horizon View Client, this may allow a View desktop to execute code or perform a Denial of Service on the Windows OS that runs the Horizon View Client.


Exploitation is only possible if virtual printing has been enabled. This feature is not enabled by default on Workstation but it is enabled by default on Horizon View.


VMware would like to thank Ke Liu of Tencent's Xuanwu Lab and Giwan Go of STEALIEN working with ZDI for reporting these issues to us.


The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the identifiers CVE-2017-4910 (JPEG2000), CVE-2017-4911 (JPEG2000) and CVE-2017-4912 (TTF) to these issues.

Column 5 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product
Product Version
Running on
Replace with/ Apply Patch
Mitigation/ Workaround
VMware ProductHorizon View Client for Windows
Product Version4.x
Running on Windows
Replace with/ Apply Patch4.4.0
Mitigation/ WorkaroundNone
VMware ProductWorkstation
Product Version12.x
Running on Windows
Replace with/ Apply Patch12.5.3
Mitigation/ WorkaroundNone



d. Integer overflow vulnerability via Cortado ThinPrint

VMware Workstation and Horizon Client contain an integer-overflow vulnerability in the True Type Font parser in the TPView.dll. On Workstation, this may allow a guest to execute code or perform a Denial of Service on the Windows OS that runs Workstation. In the case of a Horizon View Client, this may allow a View desktop to execute  code or perform a Denial of Service on the Windows OS that runs the Horizon View Client.


Exploitation is only possible if virtual printing has been enabled. This feature is not enabled by default on Workstation but it is enabled by default on Horizon View.


VMware would like to thank Ke Liu of Tencent's Xuanwu Lab for reporting this issue to us.


The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the identifier CVE-2017-4913 to this issue. 

Column 5 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product
Product Version
Running on
Replace with/ Apply Patch
Mitigation/ Workaround
VMware ProductHorizon View Client for Windows
Product Version4.x
Running on Windows
Replace with/ Apply Patch4.4.0
Mitigation/ WorkaroundNone
VMware ProductWorkstation
Product Version12.x
Running on Windows
Replace with/ Apply Patch12.5.3
Mitigation/ WorkaroundNone



4. Solution


Please review the patch/release notes for your product and version and verify the checksum of your downloaded file.


VMware Unified Access Gateway 2.9  

Downloads and Documentation:




VMware Unified Access Gateway 2.8.1 

Downloads and Documentation:  




VMware Horizon View 7.1.0 

Downloads and Documentation:  




VMware Horizon View 6.2.4  

Downloads and Documentation:  




VMware Workstation Pro 12.5.3  

Downloads and Documentation:  




VMware Workstation Player 12.5.3  

Downloads and Documentation:  




VMware Horizon View Client 4.4.0

Downloads and Documentation:


6. Change log


2017-04-18 VMSA-2017-0008  

Initial security advisory in conjunction with the release of VMware Horizon View 6.2.4 on 2017-04-18.


2017-04-19 VMSA-2017-0008.1

Corrected the VMware Horizon View Client for Windows version.


2017-04-21 VMSA-2017-0008.2

Updated security advisory to clarify the Unified Access Gateway and Horizon View affected versions.


7. Contact


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