VMSA-2016-0024:vSphere Data Protection (VDP) update addresses SSH key-based authentication issue


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18 December 2016

18 December 2016





vSphere Data Protection (VDP) updates address SSH Key-Based authentication issue

VMware Security Advisory
VMware Security Advisory Advisory ID:
VMware Security Advisory Severity:
VMware Security Advisory Synopsis:
 vSphere Data Protection (VDP) updates address SSH Key-Based authentication issue
VMware Security Advisory Issue date:
VMware Security Advisory Updated on:
VMware Security Advisory CVE numbers:
1. Summary

vSphere Data Protection (VDP) updates address SSH key-based authentication issue

2. Relevant Products
  • vSphere Data Protection (VDP)
3. Problem Description

VDP SSH key-based authentication issue


VDP contains a private SSH key with a known password that is configured to allow key-based authentication. Exploitation of this issue may allow an unauthorized remote attacker to log into the appliance with root privileges.

VMware would like to thank Marc Ströbel aka phroxvs from HvS-Consulting for reporting this issue to VMware.  


The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the identifier CVE-2016-7456 to this issue.

Column 5 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product
Product Version
Running on
Replace with/ Apply Patch
Mitigation/ Workaround
VMware ProductVDP
Product Version6.1.x
Running on VA
Replace with/ Apply Patch6.1.4
Mitigation/ WorkaroundKB2147069
VMware ProductVDP
Product Version6.0.x
Running on VA
Replace with/ Apply Patch6.0.5
Mitigation/ WorkaroundKB2147069
VMware ProductVDP
Product Version5.8.x
Running on VA
Replace with/ Apply PatchKB2147069
Mitigation/ WorkaroundNone
VMware ProductVDP
Product Version5.5.x
Running on VA
Replace with/ Apply PatchKB2147069
Mitigation/ WorkaroundNone

4. Solution

Please review the patch/release notes for your product and version and verify the checksum of your downloaded file.


vSphere Data Protection 6.1.4  

Downloads and Documentation:  

https://my.vmware.com/group/vmware/details?productId=491&downloadGroup=VDP614   https://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/vdr_pubs.html  


vSphere Data Protection 6.0.5  

Downloads and Documentation:  

https://my.vmware.com/group/vmware/details?productId=491&downloadGroup=VDP60_5   https://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/vdr_pubs.html  


vSphere Data Protection 5.8.x & 5.5.x  

Downloads and Documentation:  



6. Change log


2016-12-20: VMSA-2016-0024
Initial security advisory in conjunction with the release of vSphere Data Protection updates on 2016-12-20.


2017-06-06: VMSA-2016-0024.1

Security advisory update in conjunction with the release of vSphere Data Protection 6.0.5 fixes.

7. Contact


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