VMSA-2015-0008:VMware product updates address information disclosure issue.


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16 November 2015

16 November 2015





VMware product updates address information disclosure issue.

VMware Security Advisory
VMware Security AdvisoryAdvisory ID:
VMware Security AdvisorySynopsis:
VMware product updates address information disclosure issue.
VMware Security AdvisoryIssue date:
VMware Security AdvisoryUpdated on:
VMware Security AdvisoryCVE numbers:
CVE-2015-3269 CVE-2015-5255
1. Summary

VMware product updates address information disclosure issue.


2. Relevant Releases

VMware vCenter Server 5.5 prior to version 5.5 update 3
VMware vCenter Server 5.1 prior to version 5.1 update u3b
VMware vCenter Server 5.0 prior to version 5.0 update u3e

vCloud Director 5.6 prior to version 5.6.4
vCloud Director 5.5 prior to version 5.5.3

vCloud Director 9.1.0.x prior to version

vCloud Director 9.0.0.x prior to version

VMware Horizon View 6.0 prior to version 6.1
VMware Horizon View 5.0 prior to version 5.3.4


3. Problem Description


a. vCenter Server, vCloud Director, Horizon View information disclosure issue

VMware products that use Flex BlazeDS may be affected by a flaw in the processing of XML External Entity (XXE) requests. A specially crafted XML request sent to the server could lead to unintended information be disclosed.

VMware would like to thank Matthias Kaiser of Code White GmbH and Ilyass El Hadi of KPMG-EGYDE for independently reporting this issue to us.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the identifier CVE-2015-3269 to this issue.


The product updates listed in the table below have also been determined to address a XML External Entity (XXE) Processing and Server Side Request Forgery vulnerability in Flex BlazeDS.


VMware would like to thank James Kettle of PortSwigger Web Security for reporting these issues to us.


The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the identifier CVE-2015-5255 to these issues.


Column 4 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.


VMware Product =====
Product Version =====
Running on ======
Replace with/ Apply Patch ==================
VMware Product =====vCenter Server
Product Version =====6.0
Running on ====== any
Replace with/ Apply Patch ==================not affected
VMware Product =====vCenter Server
Product Version =====5.5
Running on ====== any
Replace with/ Apply Patch ==================5.5 update 3
VMware Product =====vCenter Server
Product Version =====5.1
Running on ====== any
Replace with/ Apply Patch ==================5.1 update u3b
VMware Product =====vCenter Server
Product Version =====5.0
Running on ====== any
Replace with/ Apply Patch ==================5.0 update u3e
VMware Product =====vCloud Director
Product Version =====9.5.x
Running on ====== any
Replace with/ Apply Patch ==================not affected
VMware Product =====vCloud Director
Product Version =====9.1.0.x
Running on ====== any
Replace with/ Apply Patch ==================
VMware Product =====vCloud Director
Product Version =====9.0.0.x
Running on ====== any
Replace with/ Apply Patch ==================
VMware Product =====vCloud Director
Product Version =====8.20.x
Running on ====== any
Replace with/ Apply Patch ==================not affected
VMware Product =====vCloud Director
Product Version =====5.6
Running on ====== any
Replace with/ Apply Patch ==================5.6.4
VMware Product =====vCloud Director
Product Version =====5.5
Running on ====== any
Replace with/ Apply Patch ==================5.5.3
VMware Product =====Horizon View
Product Version =====6.0
Running on ====== any
Replace with/ Apply Patch ==================6.1
VMware Product =====Horizon View
Product Version =====5.0
Running on ====== any
Replace with/ Apply Patch ==================5.3.4

4. Solution

Please review the patch/release notes for your product and version and verify the checksum of your downloaded file.


vCenter Server
Downloads and Documentation: https://www.vmware.com/go/download-vsphere

vCloud Director For Service Providers
Downloads and Documentation: https://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/vcd_pubs.html


Horizon View 6.1, 5.3.4:



6. Change log


2015-11-18 VMSA-2015-0008
Initial security advisory


2015-12-18 VMSA-2015-0008.1

Updated advisory to note these updates also address CVE-2015-5255


2018-10-30 VMSA-2015-0008.2

Updated advisory to add vCloud Director fixes for 9.0.0.x and 9.1.0.x versions that now address CVE-2015-3269.


7. Contact

E-mail list for product security notifications and announcements:


This Security Advisory is posted to the following lists:


 security-announce at lists.vmware.com
 bugtraq at securityfocus.com
 fulldisclosure at seclists.org


E-mail: security at vmware.com
PGP key at: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1055


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