VMSA-2013-0013:VMware Workstation host privilege escalation vulnerability


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12 November 2013

12 November 2013





VMware Workstation host privilege escalation vulnerability

VMware Security Advisory
VMware Security Advisory Advisory ID:
VMware Security Advisory Synopsis:
VMware Workstation host privilege escalation vulnerability
VMware Security Advisory Issue date:
VMware Security Advisory Updated on:
2013-11-14 (initial advisory)
VMware Security Advisory CVE numbers:
1. Summary

VMware has updated VMware Workstation and VMware Player to address a 
vulnerability that could result in an escalation of privilege on 
Linux-based host machines.

2. Relevant releases

VMware Workstation for Linux 9.x prior to version 9.0.3
VMware Player for Linux 5.x prior to version 5.0.3


3. Problem Description

a. VMware shared library privilege escalation

VMware Workstation and VMware Player contain a vulnerability in
the handling of shared libraries. This issue may allow a local
malicious user to escalate their privileges to root on the host OS.

The vulnerability does not allow for privilege escalation from the
Guest Operating System to the host or vice-versa.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org)
has assigned the name CVE-2013-5972 to this issue.

Column 4 of the following table lists the action required to
remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is

VMware Product
Product Version
Running on
Replace with /  Apply Patch
VMware Product Workstation
Product Version 10.x
Running on Linux
Replace with /  Apply Patch not affected
VMware Product Workstation
Product Version 9.x
Running on Linux
Replace with /  Apply Patch 9.0.3
VMware Product Player
Product Version 6.x
Running on Linux
Replace with /  Apply Patch not affected
VMware Product Player
Product Version 5.x
Running on Linux
Replace with /  Apply Patch 5.0.3
VMware Product Fusion
Product Version any
Running on Mac/OS
Replace with /  Apply Patch not affected
VMware Product ESXi
Product Version any
Running on ESXi
Replace with /  Apply Patch not affected
VMware Product ESX
Product Version any
Running on ESX
Replace with /  Apply Patch not affected
4. Solution

Please review the patch/release notes for your product and version
and verify the checksum of your downloaded file.

VMware Workstation 9.x

VMware Player 5.x

6. Change log

2013-11-14 VMSA-2013-0013
Initial security advisory in conjunction with the release of
an updated version of VMware Workstation 9 and VMware Player 5.

7. Contact


E-mail list for product security notifications and announcements:

This Security Advisory is posted to the following lists:

* security-announce at lists.vmware.com
* bugtraq at securityfocus.com
* full-disclosure at lists.grok.org.uk

E-mail: security at vmware.com
PGP key at: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1055

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