VMSA-2013-0011:VMware ESXi and ESX address an NFC Protocol Unhandled Exception


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27 August 2013

27 August 2013





VMware ESXi and ESX address an NFC Protocol Unhandled Exception

VMware Security Advisory
VMware Security Advisory Advisory ID:
VMware Security Advisory Synopsis:
VMware ESXi and ESX address an NFC Protocol Unhandled Exception
VMware Security Advisory Issue date:
VMware Security Advisory Updated on:
2013-08-29 (initial advisory)
VMware Security Advisory CVE numbers:
1. Summary

VMware has updated VMware ESXi and ESX to address a vulnerability in an unhandled exception in the NFC protocol handler.

2. Relevant releases


      VMware ESXi 5.1 without patch ESXi510-201307101
      VMware ESXi 5.0 without patch ESXi500-201308101     
      VMware ESXi 4.1 without patch ESXi410-201304401
      VMware ESXi 4.0 without patch ESXi400-201305401

      VMware ESX 4.1 without patch ESX410-201304401
      VMware ESX 4.0 without patch ESX400-201305401



3. Problem Description

a. VMware ESXi and ESX NFC Protocol Unhandled Exception

      VMware ESXi and ESX contain a vulnerability in the handling of
      the Network File Copy (NFC) protocol. To exploit this
      vulnerability, an attacker must intercept and modify the NFC
      traffic between ESXi/ESX and the client.  Exploitation of the
      issue may lead to a Denial of Service.

      To reduce the likelihood of exploitation, vSphere components should
      be deployed on an isolated management network

      VMware would like to thank Alex Chapman of Context Information
      Security for reporting this issue to us.

      The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org)
      has assigned the name CVE-2013-1661 to this issue.

      Column 4 of the following table lists the action required to
      remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is

VMware Product
Product Version
Running on
Replace with /  Apply Patch
VMware Product vCenter Server
Product Version any
Running on any
Replace with /  Apply Patch not affected
VMware Product hosted*
Product Version any
Running on any
Replace with /  Apply Patch not affected
VMware Product ESXi
Product Version 5.1
Running on ESXi
Replace with /  Apply Patch ESXi510-201307101-SG
VMware Product ESXi
Product Version 5.0
Running on ESXi
Replace with /  Apply Patch ESXi500-201308101-SG
VMware Product ESXi
Product Version 4.1
Running on ESXi
Replace with /  Apply Patch ESXi410-201304401-SG
VMware Product ESXi
Product Version 4.0
Running on ESXi
Replace with /  Apply Patch ESXi400-201305401-SG
VMware Product ESX
Product Version 4.1
Running on ESX
Replace with /  Apply Patch ESX410-201304401-SG
VMware Product ESX
Product Version 4.0
Running on ESX
Replace with /  Apply Patch ESX400-201305401-SG

* hosted products are VMware Workstation, Player, ACE, Fusion.

4. Solution

Please review the patch/release notes for your product and version
      and verify the checksum of your downloaded file.

      ESXi and ESX

      ESXi 5.1
      File: ESXi510-201307001.zip
      md5sum: 24065646806665d176a373bf9a861f98
      sha1sum: c07a9361df8d9adcd2ff1f8e949d41fbeb091f0f
      ESXi510-201307001 contains ESXi510-201307101-SG

      ESXi 5.0
      File: ESXi500-201308001.zip
      md5sum: 90d20a6921f35ededfc5021afeedc63f
      ESXi500-201308001 contains ESXi500-201308101-SG

      ESXi 4.1
      File: ESXi410-201304001.zip
      md5sum: 9ce63bcacb3412fc1c8a6a8c47ac6af6
      sha1sum: 241603ef6b856e573a62fe27da039c8fffe54b1d
      ESXi410-201304001 contains ESXi410-201304401-SG

      ESXi 4.0
      File: ESXi400-201305001.zip
      md5sum: 065d3fa4b0f52dd38c2bd92e5bfc5580
      sha1sum: 1f3cab25a144746372d86071a47e569c439e276a
      ESXi400-201305001 contains ESXi400-201305401-SG

      ESX 4.1
      File: ESX410-201304001.zip
      md5sum: df9ef1d25f383a12d2fbc47cdc5f55d2
      sha1sum: e49068da7cf7e0ada57c4604cbc9ba253c03e3a0
      ESX410-201304001 contains ESX410-201304401-SG

      ESX 4.0
      File: ESX400-201305001.zip
      md5sum: c9ac91d3d803c7b7cb9df401c20b91c0
      sha1sum: 7f5cef274c709248daa56d8c0e6fcc1ba86ae411
      ESX400-201305001 contains ESX400-201305401-SG

6. Change log

      2013-08-29 VMSA-2013-0011
      Initial security advisory in conjunction with the release of
      ESX 5.0 patches on 2013-08-29

7. Contact


      E-mail list for product security notifications and announcements:

      This Security Advisory is posted to the following lists:

      * security-announce at lists.vmware.com
      * bugtraq at securityfocus.com
      * full-disclosure at lists.grok.org.uk

      E-mail: security at vmware.com
      PGP key at: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1055

      VMware Security Advisories

      VMware security response policy

      General support life cycle policy

      VMware Infrastructure support life cycle policy

      Copyright 2013 VMware Inc.  All rights reserved.