VMSA-2012-0016:VMware security updates for vSphere API and ESX Service Console


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13 November 2012

13 November 2012





VMware security updates for vSphere API and ESX Service Console

VMware Security Advisory
VMware Security Advisory Advisory ID:
VMware Security Advisory Synopsis:
VMware security updates for vSphere API and ESX Service Console
VMware Security Advisory Issue date:
VMware Security Advisory Updated on:
2012-11-15 (initial advisory)
VMware Security Advisory CVE numbers:
--- vSphere API --
--- bind (service console) ---
CVE-2012-1033, CVE-2012-1667, CVE-2012-3817
--- python (service console) ---
CVE-2011-4940, CVE-2011-4944, CVE-2012-1150
--- expat (service console) ---
CVE-2012-0876, CVE-2012-1148
--- nspr and nss (service console) ---
1. Summary

VMware has updated the vSphere API to address a denial of service vulnerability in ESX and ESXi. VMware has also updated the ESX Service Console to include several open source security updates.

2. Relevant releases

VMware ESXi 4.1 without patch ESXi410-201211401-SG

VMware ESX 4.1 without patches ESX410-201211401-SG, ESX410-201211402-SG, ESX410-201211405-SG, and ESX410-201211407-SG


3. Problem Description

a. VMware vSphere API denial of service vulnerability
The VMware vSphere API contains a denial of service vulnerability. This issue allows an unauthenticated user to send a maliciously crafted API request and disable the host daemon. Exploitation of the issue would prevent management activities on the host but any virtual machines running on the host would be unaffected.
VMware would like to thank Sebastián Tello of Core Security Technologies for reporting this issue to us.
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the name CVE-2012-5703 to this issue.
Column 4 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product =============
Product Version =======
Running on =======
Replace with/ Apply Patch =================
VMware Product ============= vCenter
Product Version ======= any
Running on ======= Windows
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESXi
Product Version ======= 5.1
Running on ======= ESXi
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESXi
Product Version ======= 5.0
Running on ======= ESXi
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESXi
Product Version ======= 4.1
Running on ======= ESXi
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= ESXi410-201211401-SG
VMware Product ============= ESXi
Product Version ======= 4.0
Running on ======= ESXi
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESXi
Product Version ======= 3.5
Running on ======= ESXi
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 4.1
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= ESX410-201211401-SG
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 4.0
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 3.5
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected

b. VMware vSphere API denial of service vulnerability
The ESX service console bind packages are updated to the following versions:
These updates fix multiple security issues. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the names CVE-2012-1033, CVE-2012-1667, and CVE-2012-3817 to these issues.
Column 4 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product =============
Product Version =======
Running on =======
Replace with/ Apply Patch =================
VMware Product ============= vCenter
Product Version ======= any
Running on ======= Windows
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESXi
Product Version ======= any
Running on ======= ESXi
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 4.1
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= ESX410-201211402-SG
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 4.0
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= patch pending
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 3.5
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not applicable

c. Update to ESX service console python packages
The ESX service console Python packages are updated to the following versions:
These updates fix multiple security issues. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the names CVE-2011-4940, CVE-2011-4944, and CVE-2012-1150 to these issues.
Column 4 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product =============
Product Version =======
Running on =======
Replace with/ Apply Patch =================
VMware Product ============= vCenter
Product Version ======= any
Running on ======= Windows
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESXi
Product Version ======= any
Running on ======= ESXi
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 4.1
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= ESX410-201211407-SG
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 4.0
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= patch pending
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 3.5
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not applicable

d. Update to ESX service console expat package
The ESX service console expat package is updated to expat-1.95.8-11.el5_8.
This update fixes multiple security issues. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the names CVE-2012-0876 and CVE-2012-1148 to these issues.
Column 4 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product =============
Product Version =======
Running on =======
Replace with/ Apply Patch =================
VMware Product ============= vCenter
Product Version ======= any
Running on ======= Windows
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESXi
Product Version ======= any
Running on ======= ESXi
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 4.1
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= ESX410-201211407-SG
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 4.0
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= patch pending
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 3.5
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not applicable

e. Update to ESX service console nspr and nss packages
This patch updates the ESX service console Netscape Portable Runtime and Network Security Services RPMs to versions nspr- and nss-, respectively, to resolve multiple security issues.
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the name CVE-2012-0441 to this issue. This patch also resolves a certificate trust issue caused by a fraudulent DigiNotar root certificate.
Column 4 of the following table lists the action required to remediate the vulnerability in each release, if a solution is available.

VMware Product =============
Product Version =======
Running on =======
Replace with/ Apply Patch =================
VMware Product ============= vCenter
Product Version ======= any
Running on ======= Windows
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESXi
Product Version ======= any
Running on ======= ESXi
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not affected
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 4.1
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= ESX410-201211405-SG
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 4.0
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= patch pending
VMware Product ============= ESX
Product Version ======= 3.5
Running on ======= ESX
Replace with/ Apply Patch ================= not applicable
4. Solution

Please review the patch/release notes for your product and version and verify the checksum of your downloaded file.

ESXi and ESX

ESXi 4.1
Filename: ESXi410-201211001.zip
Build: 874690
md5sum: f7da5cd52d3c314abc31fe7aef4e50d3
sha1sum: a4d2232723717d896ff3b0879b0bdb3db823c0a1
ESXi410-201211001 contains ESXi410-201211401-SG

ESX 4.1
Filename: ESX410-201211001.zip
Build: 874690
md5sum: c167bccc388661e329fc494df13855c3
sha1sum: a8766b2eff68813a262d21a6a6ebeaae62e58c98
ESX410-201211001 contains ESX410-201211401-SG, ESX410-201211402-SG,
ESX410-201211405-SG, and ESX410-201211407-SG

6. Change log

2012-11-15 VMSA-2012-0016 Initial security advisory in conjunction with the release of ESX 4.1 P06 on 2012-11-15.


7. Contact

E-mail list for product security notifications and announcements:

This Security Advisory is posted to the following lists:

  • security-announce at lists.vmware.com
  • bugtraq at securityfocus.com
  • full-disclosure at lists.grok.org.uk
E-mail: security at vmware.com
PGP key at:

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