General Availability Announcement for ValueOps ConnectALL Release 3.4


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13 February 2025

20 May 2024

May 20, 2024 - Updated

To:          ValueOps ConnectALL Customers

From:      Broadcom’s ValueOps ConnectALL Product Team

Subject:  General Availability Announcement for ValueOps ConnectALL Release 3.4

On behalf of Broadcom, we appreciate your business and the opportunity to provide you with high-quality, innovative software and services. As part of our ongoing commitment to customer success, we regularly release updated versions of our products. Today, we are pleased to announce that ValueOps ConnectALL Release 3.4.0 is now available for On Premise and SaaS customers. 

New features for ValueOps ConnectALL 3.4 include: 

 SOC2 Type 2 Support

  • ValueOps ConnectALL is SOC2 Type 2 Compliant.

Jira Adapter - Authentication support of Bearer Token - Jira Data Center/Server

Extended the authentication method for Jira OnPrem to configure connections with Bearer Token. Bearer authentication (also called token authentication) is an HTTP authentication scheme that involves security tokens called bearer tokens.

  • The Connection section will have an additional option to Configure Atlassian Jira connection using Bearer token.
  • Users will see a new authentication Bearer Token along with the other supported authentications - Basic, OAuth1.0 and OAuth 2.0.
  • Existing Connections of Atlassian Jira when modified will see the new authentication “Bearer Token”.

Clarity Adapter - Automatic User Mapping

Clarity OOTB Adapter includes the support of Automatic User Mapping.

  • In the new Clarity standard adapter, Automatic User Mapping can be enabled for User fields, this allows synchronization of user-type fields between Clarity and other applications. ConnectALL can match users across applications as long as there is a value in common, either the user’s ID, user's name, or user's email address.
  • The new offering will allow to supports user auto mapping for Jira Worklogs to Clarity TimeSheets based on email, name or User ID reconciliation
  • This offering will provide a comprehensive and flexible approach and gives real time visibility of the ongoing development work.

 New ValueOps Product Icon

New product icon for ValueOps ConnectALL & Insights Adapter 2.0.

  • Align with the new ValueOps Insights v2 offering
  • Will be available on the ConnectALL application and on the browser

Performance Optimization - Purge data

Purging of data on certain tables has been introduced, wherein administrators can set configuration to enable purging of data on certain allowed tables.

  • Configurations are externalized and can be set to adjust to the customer's environment based on the retention policy of the organization

 Customer Voice Enhancements

We have added the following enhancements and fixes based on customer requests:

  • Updation of records was failing from any source application to ALM.
  • Value Mapping Export failed for reference and drop down fields.
  • Automation modify issues with Door DWA adapter with Doors application version 9.6 or 9.7
  • Jira workflow causes OOM in UI when the Workflows have any to any or self-traversal transactions.
  • Added pagination for Rally Adapter 1.0
  • Handled Clear Fields Values in Rally Adapter 2.0
  • Jama OAUth radio button selection not retained after saving the connection.
  • Lookup for ALM-values in release-Cycle list returns only an ID but no value
  • Randomly was seeing an Error 403 after every login.
  • Upgrade script failure in MYSQL due to parameters being enabled was addressed.
  • Queue name made mandatory for Logic Gate connections.
  • Sync failed and automation locked when workflow is enabled for any fields
  • Labels from Jira are not applied to Tags when a feature has been renamed
  • Map Jira Resolution to Rally State for Defect caused syncs to fail
  • Unable to create an automation from the Designer when automation link was set before setting the connection
  • Sync user - default password gets set from browser password manager
  • Clarity: Custom sub objects will not be displayed under Entity Mapping.
  • Expectation when a reference field is mapped to _DO_NOT_SYNC more than once for Servicenow

New features to support ValueOps Insights includes:

ValueOps Insights Adapter 2.0 & ValueOps Insights License support

  • Support only New ValueOps Insights (v2) offering
  • Leverage API instead of Database access
  • Support following entity types:
    • Artifacts (Defect/Story)
    • Portfolio items (Feature/Initiative/Strategy/Theme)
    • Timeline (Iteration)
    • DevOps Objects (Change/Deploy/Incidents
  • Provide an ability to enable automation with Insights adapter with only a ValueOps Insights license. There will not be any more dependency on ValueOps ConnectALL license, if customers want to use only Insights.
  • If customers want to synchronize between two OOTB adapters, then they need a ValueOps ConnectALL license.
  • If they want to synchronize between an OOTB adapter and Insights adapter, they will only need a ValueOps Insights license.

BETA - This is a beta feature and may contain bugs, errors and/or other issues. This feature is provided “AS IS, WITH NO WARRANTIES.” Broadcom does not guarantee the availability of this beta feature, and any outages or downtime of the beta feature will not count towards service credits pursuant to Broadcom’s service level agreement. There is no guarantee, representation, or obligation that the beta feature will ever be made generally available in future releases of the product.

If you are an On-Premise customer, you can download your copy of ValueOps ConnectALL Release 3.4 online at Broadcom Support where you can also utilize Broadcom’s case management system. To install your product, follow the installation procedures for your product at Tech Docs. If you are a SaaS customer, your environment will be automatically upgraded to the new release at a scheduled time following the 3.4 GA release date. Customers can expect a follow up communication with additional details related to automatic upgrades. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact Broadcom Support.

For a list of free Education courses, please visit Broadcom Academy. We update courses based on functional impact as well as high demand; therefore, courses created from previous releases may apply to the current release. 

Please review the Broadcom End of Service / End of Life Policy within the “Working with CA Support” guide available at Support by navigating to the Broadcom Support Policy and Terms link.

Thank you again for your business.