Coming soon to the AllFusion Modeling Suite


24 May 2019

24 May 2019

We're providing this update to keep you, our valued customers, informed of upcoming AllFusion Modeling Suite product releases. In the first quarter of 2003, we will simultaneously release Service Pack 2 for AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler, AllFusion Process Modeler and AllFusion Model Manager. The three primary goals for this effort are improved quality, performance and enhanced database support (for AllFusion ERwin DM). We are also preparing to release AllFusion Component Modeler version 5.0, with .NET support, new UML support and other valuable features.

Since last fall, we have combined the efforts of our Level 2 Support, Development and Quality Assurance teams to identify high impact and commonly encountered problems in AllFusion Erwin Data Modeler, AllFusion Process Modeler and AllFusion Model Manager products. We have addressed a great number of the issues that you have reported, and have exceeded the number of solutions included in this service pack over the previous release by an astounding 75%. A full list of solutions will be published with the service pack, and will also be available through our web site. A note at the bottom of this section explains how you can view that list.

Some noteworthy issues that have been addressed include the improved handling of AllFusion ERwin DM relationship lines and several enhancements to Complete Compare. In AllFusion Model Manager, we have made a number of improvements to the database (ModelMart) conversion process.

Regarding performance, we have made significant progress on the client side and server side of AllFusion Model Manager. Customers who do not use AllFusion Model Manager should still see some performance improvement in AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler with larger models. Performance improvement is a continuous process, so look for further improvements in future releases.

We have made a number of other significant improvements to AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler, including

  • Support for over 50 new data types spanning Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, UDB, Brand name Ingres and ODBC.
  • Support for Oracle Materialized Views, Sybase Table Level Locking and Ascending Descending option on Indexes.
  • Improved support for declarative referential integrity, including NO ACTION clauses. AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler has supported these RI forms in the past through AllFusion ERwin-generated triggers, but they are now enhanced to exploit the database-native declarations. This will lead to clearer results in Complete Compare.
  • Complete review of Complete Compare with a focus on the forward engineering/alter database capability. We also improved the number of instances where database changes can be effected using ALTER rather than the more disruptive DROP/CREATE sequence. The rules for using ALTER vary greatly from database to database and are often enhanced by those vendors with new releases. Look for additional improvements in this area in the future.

More Exciting News…
AllFusion Component Modeler! Version 5.0 is in beta! This powerful tool will provide the following functionality in the next release:

  • Support for Microsoft Visual Studio.NET
  • Integration with Requirements Management
  • UML 1.4 Support
  • Full Concurrent Access

For more information about these enhancements refer to the article "AllFusion Component Modeler Release 5.0 Feature Highlights" in this edition of AllFusion E-News.

The AllFusion Research and Development labs have been hard at work providing both new features and comprehensive maintenance to the AllFusion Modeling Suite. The results of this work will soon be available to you.

How to view the solutions list on CA Support Online:
To view the solutions list when available, go to, mouse over 'Support' on the top banner and click on "Technical Support". Then, in the Support by Product drop down list, choose "AllFusion Modeling Suite", (or your particular product such as AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler), enter your SupportConnect user name and password, and click on the solutions list for that product (for example, "AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler 4.1 SP2 Solutions List").

Stay tuned for more exciting news and coming attractions from the AllFusion Modeling Suite team.