JasperReports Server 7.1.3 General Availability Announcement


20 July 2020

20 July 2020

Date: 07/20/2020

To:         Clarity Customers

From:     The CA Technologies Clarity Product Team

Subject:  General Availability Announcement for JasperReports Server 7.1.3 (On-Premise Only)

On behalf of CA Technologies, a Broadcom Company, we appreciate your business and the opportunity to provide you with high-quality, innovative software and services.  As part of our ongoing commitment to customer success, we regularly release updated versions of our products. Today, we are pleased to announce that JasperReports Server (Jaspersoft) 7.1.3 is now available for On-Premise customers.

Jaspersoft 7.1.3 is a maintenance release that includes multiple security fixes issued by TIBCO. Details of the security advisory published by TIBCO can be found here. On-Premise customers using Clarity 15.6 or higher can upgrade to Jaspersoft 7.1.3.

You can download Jaspersoft 7.1.3 from Broadcom’s Broadcom Support. To install, follow the installation instructions at Tech Docs.  If you have any questions or require assistance, contact Broadcom Support.

Should you need any assistance in understanding or implementing this maintenance release, our implementation services partners can help.  Please contact your CA account representative for more information on how they can help. To connect, learn, and share with other customers, join and participate in our Clarity Community.

For a list of Education courses recommended by role, please visit the CA Learning Paths and select the desired product. We update courses based on functional impact as well as high-demand; therefore, courses created from previous releases may apply to the current release.

Please review the CA End of Service / End of Life Policy within the “Working with CA Support” guide available at Broadcom Support by navigating to the CA Support Policy and Terms link.


Thank you again for your business.