General Availability Announcement for ValueOps ConnectALL and Insights Release 3.2


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13 February 2025

20 November 2023

Nov 20, 2023 - Updated

To: ValueOps ConnectALL and ValueOps Insights Customers

From: Broadcom’s ValueOps ConnectALL/Insights Product Team

Subject:  General Availability Announcement for ValueOps ConnectALL/Insights Release 3.2

On behalf of Broadcom, we appreciate your business and the opportunity to provide you with high-quality, innovative software and services. As part of our ongoing commitment to customer success, we regularly release updated versions of our products. Today, we are pleased to announce that ValueOps ConnectALL and ValueOps Insights Release 3.2.0 is now available for On-Premise and SaaS customers. 

New features for ValueOps ConnectALL 3.2 include:

 Password Policy

Managing authentication is a central part of the security policy. As a ConnectALL Administrator, you can use the following capabilities to improve the protection of the system from unauthorized users accessing the system resources or sensitive information:

  • Strong authentication, privileged access management
  • Configure a strong password policy
  • Limit the number of invalid login attempts and lock users
  • Configure password reuse limitations
  • Provide password reset capability for forgotten passwords

Restricted file upload on the ConnectALL server

Security check for every file uploaded via ConnectALL in SaaS.

  • Broadcom SaaS implements a defense-in-depth approach to the security of our environments, which mitigates the impact of security monitoring to prevent or detect any malicious activity.
  • Any files uploaded on ConnectALL by any User / Tenants will undergo a check for malicious content using antivirus scanners to prevent attacks through inserting malicious scripts or content into otherwise trusted websites.

Licensing model

Support new licensing model for ValueOps ConnectALL & ValueOps Insights

  • The new ValueOps ConnectALL license includes ConnectALL Core, ConnectALL supported adapters, and Universal Adapter automatically. License requests for individual adapters are no longer required.
  • The new ValueOps Insights license includes Insights adapter and Insights Analytics
  • The new licensing model will coexist with the existing licenses, and the new license model will take precedence


Universal Adapter for SaaS Multi-Tenant

Enhanced the support of Universal Adapter for SAAS Multi Tenants

  • Universal Adapter created, configured, and maintained by the SAAS Admin can be made available to all tenants or to individual tenant(s)


Clarity Standard Adapter

Clarity Standard Adapter available on ConnectALL for new licensed ValueOps ConnectALL users

  • Supports basic data synchronization between Clarity & Jira and other supported adapters
  • Support for the following Clarity types: Change Request, Ideas, Issue, Risk, Tasks/Sub Tasks, Custom Investment Types, and Custom Master Objects.
  • Bidirectional support, data flows between systems
  • Create and update records with Clarity on the source or destination.
  • Support Flow Filter to customize further the scope of the data synchronization

 Customer Voice Enhancements

We have added the following enhancements and fixes based on customer requests:

  • When syncing the Remedy Tasks to Jira, SubTasks opted to use the default work order.
  • While creating an Insights connection, if the schema is not available - ConnectALL will create the schema. If the Schema is already available, ConnectALL will check and execute the scripts.
  • For installing ValueOps Insights, extended the support for MS-SQL Database flavor - Windows Authentication for the creation of insights databases with tables by the installer.
  • Improved the Installer to validate the Java arguments property during the upgrade.
  • Handled the Null pointer exception and ensured the record was received during record sync between Jira to ADO.
  • For customers behind the proxy or on the organization's Intranet, the core bundle will include all the needed libraries.
  • Enhanced the Universal Adapter to honor ISO 8601 for the query date format.
  • Updated the data type for attachment reconciliation when attachment delete was enabled for the ConnectALL Postgres database.
  • Handled proper value mapping setting when the values have parentheses.
  • Ensured handling with valid entity mapping data for Source and destination and ensured the double encryption on sync Password while using the REST API to pull an Automation.
  • Extended the support for a Group to be mandatory while creating Teams.
  • Enhanced the Jira adapter - Sync Sprint functionality to support synchronization for active sprints only or the latest closed sprint.

New features for ValueOps Insights 3.2.0 include:

Rally/Insights Mapping

  • Automation with Insights on the destination will be allowed to save and enable only if all the Insights mandatory fields are configured to overcome the sync issues.

 Insights Analytics on Grafana 10  

  • ConnectALL Installer - Installs Insights Analytics on Grafana Version 10.
  • Manually upgrade your existing Insights Analytics to Grafana Version 10

BETA - This is a beta feature and may contain bugs, errors, and/or other issues. This feature is provided “AS IS, WITH NO WARRANTIES.” Broadcom does not guarantee the availability of this beta feature, and any outages or downtime of the beta feature will not count towards service credits pursuant to Broadcom’s service level agreement. There is no guarantee, representation, or obligation that the beta feature will ever be made generally available in future releases of the product.

If you are an On-Premise customer, you can download your copy of ValueOps ConnectALL/Insights Release 3.2 online at Broadcom Support, where you can also utilize Broadcom’s case management system. To install your product, follow the installation procedures for your product at Tech Docs. If you are a SaaS customer, your environment will be automatically upgraded to the new release at a scheduled time following the 3.2 GA release date. Customers can expect a follow-up communication with additional details related to automatic upgrades. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact Broadcom Support.

For a list of free Education courses, please visit Broadcom Academy. We update courses based on functional impact as well as high demand; therefore, courses created from previous releases may apply to the current release. 

Please review the Broadcom End of Service / End of Life Policy within the “Working with CA Support” guide available at Support by navigating to the Broadcom Support Policy and Terms link.

Thank you again for your business.