End of Service Announcement for CA Agile Requirements Designer 3.2

CA Agile Requirements Designer

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15 September 2023

15 September 2023

CA Agile Requirements Designer


September 15, 2023


To:        CA Agile Requirements Designer Customers

From:    The CA Agile Requirements Designer Product Team

Subject: End of Service Announcement for CA Agile Requirements Designer 3.2, 3.2.5, 3.2.6 and 3.2.7


CA Technologies, a Broadcom Company is continually working to improve our software and services to best meet the needs of our customers. In accordance with the Broadcom Support Policies here, please consider this email your written notification that we are discontinuing technical support for CA Agile Requirements Designer 3.2, 3.2.5, 3.2.6 and 3.2.7 effective September 22, 2024. This will allow our Development organization to more effectively focus its resources and add value to the next release of CA Agile Requirements Designer.  After September 22, 2024Broadcom will continue to make self-service support available until the end of your current maintenance term.


At this time, we encourage you to plan for the migration to CA Agile Requirements Designer 3.2, 3.2.5, 3.2.6 and 3.2.7 as soon as possible, so you can take full advantage of the features and enhancements this release has to offer. For information on CA Agile Requirements Designer, please visit the CA Agile Requirements Designer pages at https://support.broadcom.com/group/ecx/productdetails?productName=CA%20Agile%20Requirements%20Designer


As Broadcom would like to make your upgrade to CA Agile Requirements Designer 3.3 as straightforward as possible, we are offering the following:



Your success is very important to us, and we look forward to continuing our successful partnership with you.